0955 What Network? Mobile Prefix in the Philippines Carrier Information

If you use a mobile phone in the Philippines, you might have noticed the 0955 number. You may have asked, 0955 What Network prefix? The answer is Globe Telecom The 0955 prefix shows your number is on Globe Telecom’s network. Globe is a big name in the Philippine mobile world. If you have a 0955 number, you get services like calls, texts, and internet from Globe.

0955 what network
0955 What Network

Table of Contents

0955 What Network Mobile Number Prefixes in the Philippines

In the Philippines, mobile number prefixes are key. They help users know the network of a phone number. Each company uses different sets of numbers at the start of phone numbers. This way, consumers can learn about the costs and services they’ll get with that number.

What is a Mobile Number Prefix? 0955 What Network

A mobile number prefix is the first group of numbers in a phone number. It shows which company is providing the service. For instance, Globe Telecom’s mobile numbers start with 0955, 0965, or 0995. Yet Smart Communications’ numbers begin with 0917, 0919, or 0939. Knowing these prefixes is very important for phone users in the Philippines.

Significance of Prefixes in the Philippines

In the Philippines, understanding prefixes is crucial for managing costs and getting the right services. Some deals are just for users of one network. And calling a different network could cost more. Being aware of the mobile number prefix helps users in the Philippines avoid extra charges. It also ensures they enjoy the right benefits connected to their chosen mobile number prefix.

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mobile number prefix
0955 What Network

0955 what network

The 0955 prefix in the Philippines is from Globe Telecom. Globe is a top telecom company in the Philippines. It provides many mobile services and digital solutions. If your number starts with 0955, your SIM card is from Globe Telecom. You can enjoy all of Globe’s benefits and services.

Identifying the Network Provider

In the Philippines, knowing mobile number prefixes is important. It helps identify the network provider for a phone number. The 0955 prefix belongs only to Globe Telecom. This makes it simple to know you’re using their network.

Globe Telecom’s Network

Globe Telecom is a major telecom company in the Philippines. It’s well-known for its wide network coverage and many mobile services. The company’s network covers the whole Philippines, ensuring strong connections. Globe Telecom works hard to upgrade its network. They aim to give their customers the best mobile experience.

Services and Benefits for 0955 Subscribers

Being a 0955 subscriber means enjoying Globe Telecom’s services and benefits. This includes fast mobile internet and good rates for calls and texts. 0955 customers can access various digital products and services. They also get to join Globe’s promos, loyalty programs, and special offers. This makes their mobile experience even better.

0955 network philippines
0955 What Network

Major Telecom Networks in the Philippines

The Philippines has many telecom companies, all offering different services. These cater to the needs of mobile users across the country. We will explore the top networks and what they do best.

Globe Telecom’s Coverage and Offerings

Globe Telecom is known for its wide network coverage. It serves the whole Philippines. With Globe, you can get mobile services like voice calls, texting, and fast internet. They also offer various products and services for all communication needs.

Smart Communications’ Network Strengths

Smart Communications is a big name in telecoms. Its network covers a large part of the country. With Smart, you get top-quality calls, texts, and internet. They also provide many digital services to meet their customers’ demands.

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DITO Telecommunity’s Emerging Presence

DITO Telecommunity is new but growing fast in the Philippines. It started in 2021. DITO quickly grew its network and stands as the third major telecom company. It offers mobile services including calls, texts, and fast internet.


In the Philippines, the 0955 mobile number prefix is tied to Globe Telecom. This is a major phone company in the country. Knowing what 0955 means is important for people. It lets them pick the best services for their phone The way phone numbers are set up helps in many areas

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