0905 What Network Philippines : Identify Your Mobile Carrier in Philippines Area

In the Philippines, knowing 0905 what network provider is key. This is especially true with prefixes like 0905. There are more than 70 different prefixes across various networks. Identifying your career can be tough without help. Thankfully, the Prefix Ph app makes it easy. It gives a full list of mobile network prefixes in the Philippines. This makes it simple to find out who your carrier is

The 0905 prefix links to several providers, including Globe, TM, and Globe Post Paid. To find out which provider uses a specific prefix, use the Prefix Ph app. You can also check a printable PDF of mobile prefixes for help.

How to Identify 0905 What Network by Prefix

0905 What Network

In the Philippines, you can tell which network a mobile number uses by looking at the first four digits. Each network has its own set of starting numbers. This makes it easy to know the network of a mobile number.

Prefix PH is an app you can use for this. It shows a full list of network prefixes. You can also find printable lists online. These tools help you figure out the network quickly.

One example is the prefix 0905. Numbers that start with 0905 belong to Globe, TM, or Globe Post Paid. It’s helpful to know this. It ensures you can all enjoy deals and messaging easily.

Benefits of Knowing the Mobile Network Provider

It’s good to know which network your friends use. This can lead to special offers. It also makes sharing load and messaging smoother.

  • Seamless communication with contacts on the same network often comes with special deals and promos.
  • Compatibility for various services like promos, pass-a-load, and group messaging.
  • Efficient allocation of resources, such as choosing the right network for data plans and add-ons.
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Knowing this lets you get the most out of your mobile connection.

Mobile Network ProviderPrefixes
Globe0915, 0916, 0917, and more
Smart0908, 0918, 0919, and more
Sun Cellular0922, 0923, 0924, and more
DITO0895, 0896, 0897, and 0898
Talk ‘N’ Text (TNT)0907, 0909, 0910, and more
ABS-CBN MobileSpecific prefix values can be identified in the list
Cherry PrepaidSpecific prefix values can be identified in the list
Globe Post Paid0917, 0922, 0923, and more
0905 What Network

This chart lists the main network providers and their prefixes. Use it or download something like the PreFIX PH app for easy reference. It helps you know the network for any mobile number.

Know your network for a better mobile experience in the Philippines. It’s useful for both personal and work reasons. Being informed enhances how you use your phone.

Overview of 0905 What Network Providers in the Philippines

In the Philippines, many mobile network providers meet people’s different needs. Big names include Globe, Smart, and Sun Cellular. Globe stands out, serving both Globe and TM users with prefixes like 0905. This shows Globe/TM is a leader in providing network services.

Smart Communications, Inc. has its network and reaches millions with Smart, Sun, and TNT. Smart uses prefixes such as 0908, showing its importance in the telecom field.

Sun Cellular, part of Smart, works independently with special prefixes like 0934. This shows Sun Cellular’s aim to offer good services.

Other providers include Talk ‘N’ Text (TNT), Republika ng TM, ABS-CBN Mobile, Cherry Prepaid, and new player DITO Telecommunity.

TNT became part of Smart, making Smart even stronger. TM under Globe also brings extra choices for mobile users. ABS-CBN Mobile and Cherry Prepaid also serve though less common than the big names.

DITO Telecommunity is new and growing in the Philippine market. Its prefixes add to the variety of choices people have.

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Globe PostPaid Prefixes


The Philippines has a rich network provider scene with different prefixes. Knowing a contact’s network helps with smooth calling or texting. It also helps with special promos and services they might offer.

The Prefix Ph app is great for finding out networks from numbers. It also has a promo list and checks network details. With this app, you’re set to enjoy your mobile experience in the Philippines more.


Finding the right network service provider for a mobile number like 0905 is key. This ensures smooth communication and the best connection in the Philippines. Tools like the PreFIX PH app help you find which network a prefix belongs to easily. This helps you know about different providers like Telco1, Telco2, and Telco3. Now, you can choose wisely and enjoy their services.

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